
Excel Tennis is committed to the safety and welfare of all adults and children that play tennis at our venue in accordance with LTA Guidelines.

Anyone who is concerned about the well-being of a child/adult at risk or has a disclosure of abuse or neglect made to the MUST immediately report it to:

  • Gabi Cox, the Club Welfare Officer, 01225 425066


  • Call the NSPCC on: 0808 800 5000

However if someone is in immediate danger, call the police (999).

Please remember at all times that doing nothing is NOT an option; report all concerns and disclosures as soon as possible.  

To help to understand more and to keep Excel Tennis Club safe please view the content at the LTA's Safe to Play website - Safe to Play

You can find all safe guarding policies here

LTA Safeguarding children policy

LTA Safeguarding adults at risk policy